Laptop Recommendations

I was recently asked, “What is the difference between a $300 laptop and a $6-700 laptop?


Answer #1: You would be buying older technology bundled into a cheap enclosure.

Answer #2: New systems last longer, perform faster, and provide a richer experience.

You get what you pay for. Don’t waste your good money on a cheap machine. Buy a system that will last and will represent integrity.

For the Mac operating system, get either a MacBook Air or a MacBook Pro. Apple has been in this space for decades, and their user experience exudes quality, right from the box opening.

For Windows 10/11, get a device straight from the source (just like Apple): Microsoft. Their Surface laptops and tablets are superbly deigned and a pleasure to use., such as with the Surface Laptops and their Alcantara finishes.

These superior devices can range from $1000 to $2000 and more.

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